Action-installation presented at the Ibero-American Institute of Finland. Madrid. 

Coffee filters, pins, cork. 200 x 450cm. 2001

Emigrating nowadays is almost a necessity, and the periodic change of habitable space is creating a NEW KIND OF nomadism. Without a fixed point of arrival, those who come and go are confronted with the inertia that, ironically, hides behind the movement. The insectarium created from coffee filters and placed under a ventilation device suggests the inertia of this immobility.

The paper filters are cooked in Colombian coffee and number in the hundreds. We abandon them to the sun in humid swarms, in this case, on top of a building of popular housing in Madrid's ‘Calle Palos de la Frontera’, if its name is worth it. Sometimes, we help them hatch like butterflies by opening their wings for the wind to carry or bring them freely. 

After a few days, the number of butterfly-filters has reduced considerably, and we have had to walk around the area to discover them at the doors of supermarkets or at traffic lights being guided by the turns of the air when people move or dragged by the force of a passing car; others have remained stuck in their place of origin. In reality, we don't care where they come from; we catch them as soon as they show themselves. They are like butterflies, fragilE and innocent, allowING themSELVES to be pierced by the pin that condemns them to the only dead place where they can be contemplated, the insectarium.



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